- Check in is 14:00Hrs & Checkout Time is 12:00Hrs. Any Extension of Stay Must Be Reconfirmed with the Reception.
- The liability for my bill is not waived & that I agree to held personally accountable in the event that the indicated person , company or association fails to pay for any part or full amount.
- Visitors are not permitted in guest room.
- Guest should ensure that their hotel room door is properly secure at all times. Araam view management cannot be held responsible for any personal items and valuables left in guest rooms. In room safes are provided and recommended for guest use.
- Registered guests will be held responsible for any missing or damaged items in their hotel room or any internal Guests found in the act of or with evidence. With the exception of smoking in designated smoking areas.
- A USD 10 charge applies for each Proximity Key card that is damaged or misplaced